“Part… Part five? Am I missing something?” I hear you cry. Fear not, reader. Allow me to explain. Fantasy Future Releases is a blogging series I started on my old website (which has recently movedContinue readingFantasy Future Releases V
All About ‘Unique’
Unique is a track taken from my debut EP, Portmanteau. This week’s blog will be all about the production of the song, with plenty of behind the scenes goodness for you to chew on. IContinue readingAll About ‘Unique’
Behind the Scenes of my Björk Cover
Let’s take a look at the work I did to create my DIY music video for Sonnets/Unrealities XI. As you’ve no doubt noticed by now, I’m a fan of all things low budget and noContinue readingBehind the Scenes of my Björk Cover
Forbidden Covers
Last week I talked about my early foray into making YouTube videos, but did you know that YouTube once had a ‘groups’ feature? It was a long time ago now, back in 2009, when YouTubeContinue readingForbidden Covers
Crumbs of the CarylCake: A Post-Mortem
Most of you know I rebranded recently, but did you know this isn’t the first time? My music online has gone by many names over the years. I started off with my real name, as many up-and-coming artists do … Continue readingCrumbs of the CarylCake: A Post-Mortem