Sweetly, summer sun
Is creeping over sleepy, sweeping sand
Cloudy shadow’s shawl
Is slipping off the shoulders of the land
Brightly breaking sounds
Are stirring on the playful promenade
Since you’re not around
I’ll send you a picture postcard
Burning tonight
Sick of the hurting tonight
Taking time out and deserving it
Ask what I’m doing
I’m dancing, I’m dancing
I’m dancing without you
Without you
Earning my right
Look at me learning to fight
Pull the tide in now I’m turning it
Ask what I’m doing
I’m dancing, I’m dancing
I’m dancing without you
Without you
Taking my time
Soda and lime
Kicking back and
Sipping in the sunshine
You think I’m cryin’
I’m stepping out and
Soaking in the culture
Softly scented breezes, are
Weaving through the peaceful evening streets
Heavy, hazy air
Still humid from the hold of noonday heat
Thinking back again
The promises you swore to me you’d keep
Scheming your escape
My innocent heart still asleep
Burning tonight
Sick of the hurting tonight
Taking time out and deserving it
Ask what I’m doing
I’m dancing, I’m dancing
I’m dancing without you
Without you
Earning my right
Look at me learning to fight
Pull the tide in now I’m turning it
Ask what I’m doing
I’m dancing, I’m dancing
I’m dancing without you
Without you
© 2020 Caryl Archer